Sunday, September 28, 2014

6 Word Stories

Puppy for sale; No more room.

Why walk when you can run?

No Shirt, No Shoes, No Shelter.

I've learned lipstick stains permanently.

She hurts herself with sharp words.

Today is the last day for submissions.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

I definitely don't think John Proctor is a hero, but I'm not sure whether he's a stooge either. He doesn't fit the qualifications for a stooge because he doesn't really do other people's dirty work and he doesn't allow himself to be used, but he does have a certain way of molding himself to fit a situation. For example, instead of being truthful and saying why he doesn't go to church, he blames it on his work as opposed to telling Hale that he doesn't like Parris. He is serving his family by ensuring that they are not ridiculed or that their name is not tarnished. It is the same with the way he acts around Elizabeth. While he is selfish about his own intentions, he still serves her and wants to make her comfortable. When he admits to adultery, he is helping his family by confessing even though it will embarrass him, and probably them too, but he sees the bigger picture and knows that this is the way to go. So you really can't put him in a definite category because it depends on the situation and who he's dealing with.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

There Goes the Neighborhood

The Native Americans were completely bewildered when the explorers came. They were wildly disadvantaged in economic, environmental and educational advances, which made them an easy target for the Europeans. They were manipulated and they didn't even know it was happening until it was too late. They also had values which enforced trust and hospitality, which contradicted the settlers, who only cared about money and power. This meant that the natives' attitudes were positive towards the newcomers and were hopeful that they could provide new resources as opposed to regarding them as potential threats. The explorers also used cultural indoctrination to force the natives to adopt their principles.
This situation is similar to modern day adoption. I know, it sounds a little far off, but the concept is the same, just not sinister. Children are taken from their birth parents (who do give consent) and are given a new life with a new family. Often these children come from third world countries who don't hold the modern values of society that we hold. I think that it is a great thing for children who would otherwise not have a good life in their old community, but it has its downsides. A lot of these kids grow up with no idea of their heritage or culture, and since they're brought up by a different family and a different society, are essentially made to conform to that society's standards. These children don't have a choice where they go, and I'm not saying that they should considering that they're usually very young when put up for adoption, but that choice is made for them regardless. The two things are even more similar when it comes to illegal adoptions. Those children's parents don't choose for them to be given to a new family, and often spend their lives trying to find them.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Hi, my name is Lauren and I am a freshman at Whitney Young. I am from Chicago, and live with both of my parents, my younger brother and my two dogs, Zack and Sugar. We also have a hermit crab called Hermie. My favorite things to do are sing, act and dance. I've been in Carmen at the Lyric Opera and I sang in Carmina Burana with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. We also performed that at Carnegie Hall in New York. Speaking of, I want to move to New York as soon as possible; my dream school is NYU. I want to get my degree in either theatre or musical theatre, but I also have a passion for travelling. A couple years ago I went to Italy for a month with my family and that is when I realized how much I want to see the world and experience different cultures. In my free time, I love to look at travel blogs and to find interesting spots in far off places. Even though I want to go everywhere, my favorite place is still New York City. Something about the hustle and bustle is so enticing. But for now, Chicago is my home, and it will always be important for me, especially considering that my brother is 8 years younger than me, so I'll have to come back and visit often even after I leave. Other than the arts, I enjoy playing volleyball and soccer. This year, I hope to improve my non-fiction writing and read more for fun!