Thursday, September 18, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

I definitely don't think John Proctor is a hero, but I'm not sure whether he's a stooge either. He doesn't fit the qualifications for a stooge because he doesn't really do other people's dirty work and he doesn't allow himself to be used, but he does have a certain way of molding himself to fit a situation. For example, instead of being truthful and saying why he doesn't go to church, he blames it on his work as opposed to telling Hale that he doesn't like Parris. He is serving his family by ensuring that they are not ridiculed or that their name is not tarnished. It is the same with the way he acts around Elizabeth. While he is selfish about his own intentions, he still serves her and wants to make her comfortable. When he admits to adultery, he is helping his family by confessing even though it will embarrass him, and probably them too, but he sees the bigger picture and knows that this is the way to go. So you really can't put him in a definite category because it depends on the situation and who he's dealing with.


  1. You're completely right on how he's being selfish and and untruthful but I feel like you could've given maybe a little more evidence as to why he doesn't fit into either of the two. I agree, of course he felt embarrassed at many things such as not knowing his 10 commandments, and confessing for his family even though he's jeopardizing himself BUT he also is a stooge because his confession doesn't come from an arising sense of empowerment, but rather from a defeated attitude because of his affair with Abigail.

  2. I agree with how he is being selfish and lying. However I would like to know why you don't think of him as a hero either because your explanation was perfect as to why he's not a stooge but if he's not a hero; why?

  3. Lauren, I love your explanation and I really agree with the fact that he does not fit into either of the labels. However, I wish I could've seen more detail as to why he is not a stooge as well as not a hero.
